Article 19 – Freedom of expression and information

"Everyone has the right to freedom of expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."

Explanation of Article 19

The right to form and express opinions and the right to seek and receive information without interference are still among the most frequently violated human rights. State censorship of the press, the ban on publishing books, the persecution of writers and media professionals are unfortunately still the order of the day. Many people in power fear for their position if people are well informed and express their differing views. The protection of these rights is therefore an important element of a functioning democracy and is an important prerequisite for being able to exercise other human rights.

However, the right to express one's opinion must not be understood as absolute and its exercise is subject to a special responsibility: this right is limited, for example, by respect for the reputation of other people, by racist incitement or by calls for violent acts.

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