"Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security; he is entitled to realise, through national measures and international cooperation, taking into account the organisation and
resources of each State, the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality."
Explanation of Article 22
Articles 22-27 contain the economic, social and cultural rights which, like the civil and political rights described above, are indispensable for the development of human capabilities. Without
material security, many of the civil rights remain an illusion. As a rule, the state must act to provide the basis for the exercise of these rights. To do this, it must also set appropriate
priorities. It must therefore not use a large part of its expenditure on armaments if this leaves too few resources to ensure the basic needs of its citizens. Furthermore, the entire
international community and international organisations are called upon to assume responsibility, as many states do not have the necessary resources.
Article 22 is a programmatic article that requires that everyone has the right to social security in order to enjoy the economic, social and cultural rights necessary for them to live in dignity
and to develop their personality freely.